Genders & Stereotypes

Hello <3
Today I would wish to speak upon Gender Role Issues, this is a constant predicament that our society fights all over the world with females and male. What will be specifically spoken about is stereotypes. The informational pieces, Problems With Gender Roles and Gender Stereotypes have provided significant opinions and statistics in order to explain what stereotypes have done for everyone no matter their gender.  In the article, the author of Gender Stereotypes lists common phrases that have been said about females and males, such as how "Men are insensitive" or "Women love to shop and gossip". As well as the differences between sex and gender, there was research upon gender stereotypes of how people tend to generalize from the "average" boy or girl.  I chose this issue to focus on because I believe these stereotypes create dangerous consequences that limit a person's full potential and well being. I completely agree with the authors of these articles of the way it shapes our society to assume that because I have two X chromosomes doesn't mean that I'm ignorant of mechanics yet because that's the kind of culture I was raised in, as the author of Problems With Gender Roles explicates. I personally believe that this is supposed to make females inferior from a young age and that little boys aren't suppose to cry, as if them being stoic their entire lives will help them in any way. 

 In some cultures as Gender Stereotypes illuminates, how say in India a girl must worry about being given  away’ and ‘saving for her dowry/marriage expenses’ this may cause her anguish. Being a young female I don't know how I would feel if I had to think about marriage instead of my education or what I may eat for dinner tonight. This is something that occurs in the world, girls have to worry about being married off and don't get the chances we do in the U.S. or in other countries. Personally, I believe this to be unjust because not only are females forced to do such things but their rights are taken away. Boys are affected because of stereotypes as well, there's bullying all over the world because men have to look "masculine", although there should be acceptance of whether you wish to show your emotions or not. 

  This is an issue because it withholds people from reaching their full potential as the social norm is usually to hand shakes when you meet someone, saying 'please' or chewing with your mouth closed, their purpose if suppose to be acceptable in modern society. Whereas these societal norms pale in comparison to what females and males are expected to act and be like, as one is to be shunned or ostracized if they don't follow how others want them be I believe little by little everyone will eventually rise to take a stand against such things and make it known, there is a way to take direct action without force. It's just having others hear the voice you know you have.   In the article, the author of  Problems With Gender Roles explains what most believe is expected in a natural household between the mother and father, such as the mother staying at home and taking care of the children as the father enters the workforce and earns money. As the text goes into how others feels as though this is absurd and describes why feminists view this as a problem. The author begins to reference the Native Americans, women would rule the societies, not men then in the colonial period of how women were engaged with the market place as men were and the men took the responsibility of taking care of the children as well. 

"Why, then, have they traditionally scored worse than boys at science and math in the U.S.? Because girls have long been socialized into thinking they’re not good at math."  

This statement according to, Problems With Gender Roles, impacts our world as youth are manipulated into believing that the opposite sex is superior  of them in some kind of way, shape, or form. The moral law is a system of ethics, defining what's to be considered right, these stereotypes are illicit as society has been attempting to take away opportunities of young men and women because of their gender. This affects everyone because one kind of discrimination can strip away the very fabric of what so many have worked hard for.   As a way to advocate there would be more opportunities in the fields for men that are meant for women and vice versa. Telling someone that they cannot cry because of their gender is unacceptable and there should be growth in our society, such as larger changes, women earn 74 cents to every dollar a man makes, with how strong women are they don't deserve this type of prejudice.

All love, Aya ~


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